The SAPS is committed in ensuring that all people within the Uitenhage area are and feel safe. However, this can only be achieved if individuals and communities cooperate with the police in volunteering information on criminals and their activities, and by persons taking reasonable steps to ensure the safeguarding of their property. The South African Police Service in Uitenhage is requesting the community to be more vigilant and to assist them in their fight against crime to curb the theft of motor vehicles in their area.
A number of incidents have been reported to the Despatch and Uitenhage Police Stations. These incidents have occurred over the last few months, where older types of vehicle models (1980 – 2005) were stolen. Vehicles that were stolen ranged from VW Golf, Isuzu bakkie, Toyota Corolla, Ford Bantam bakkie, Mazda and Fiat Uno. Theft of motor vehicles is becoming an increasing concern for the SAPS and owners are requested once again to park their vehicles inside a complex or in a garage and to install the necessary visible anti-theft devices. Car thieves tend to avoid cars with alarms or anti-theft devices because they attract attention when they go off and definitely assist as a deterrent. It is advisable to install a vehicle immobilizer system such as fuel cut-offs and smart keys or a GPS tracking system. Drivers are also urged to make sure that their vehicles are in fact properly locked when activating the remote locking devices.
Always park your car in a well-lit area and be aware of your surroundings. Try to park as close to the main entrance as possible at shopping centres. Report any suspicious behaviour to your local police station or contact Crime Stop on08600 10111 or SMS Crime Line at 32211.
VIA - saps
Reviewed by MHM Marketing & Design

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