Residents are hereby notified that a planned water shutdown will take place on November 16, 2021, to allow the Municipality to complete additional critical repairs to the Churchill Bulk supply pipeline.
The Churchill pipeline is over 50 years old, and its maintenance is a key component of the City's drought plan, which calls for the repair of water leaks in order to conserve the city's stressed water resources.
Before repairs begin, the reservoirs served by this pipeline will be filled, and a second, parallel pipeline will continue to feed these reservoirs during the shutdown.
The implication of shutting down one of the pipelines is that there will be much less water available for distribution; only about a third of what we normally provide.This is in fact in line with the limited volume that the Kromme system should provide.
Water outages can be avoided if everyone reduces their consumption as shown on the map below.
If not, select reservoirs will run dry, and the distribution system will likely take more than two weeks to fully recover.
If this occurs, the following areas are likely to suffer from low pressure, water shortages, or disruptions:
1. Parts of Walmer
2. Walmer Heights
3. Walmer Downs
4. Greenshields Park
5. Mangold Park
6. Glen Hurd Park
7. Newton Park
8. Greenacres
9. Cotswolds
10. Parts of Schauderville
11. Linkside
12. Korsten
13.Mill Park
14. Parts of Central
15. Mount Croix
16. Perridgevale
17. Neave Township
18. North End
19. Sydenham
20. Deal Party
21. Gelvandale parts
22. Summerstrand
23. Forest Hill
24. Sea View
25. Blue Horizon Bay
26. Kini Bay
We will closely monitor the situation and provide water tankers if reservoir storage levels fall below the required levels.
Water tanker positions will be advertised on the NMBM website and social media pages, and more information can be obtained by calling the Service Delivery Call Centre at 0800 20 5050.
We urge residents to conserve water and avoid stockpiling.
Reviewed by MHM Marketing & Design

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