All arrested persons are expected to appear in court soon.
A total of 30 arrests were made on drug-related cases in the entire cluster for the weekend. Suspects were charged for either possession of drugs or dealing in drugs. The arrests were effected during routine patrols and stop-and-search operations. Police seized 7 firearms and confiscated a number of rounds of ammunition. Six people were also arrested for drunken driving throughout the cluster.
On Friday, 7/10/16 at about 16:25, members were patrolling Humewood area when they noticed three man walking in Mark Lane. When they stopped and called the men, one of them started running. Police chased after him and as he was running he threw a revolver on the ground. Suspect was arrested and the revolver recovered.
On 8/10/16 members from PE K9 and Flying squad arrested two suspects for business robbery which was committed in the Sidwell area. A 9mm pistol was confiscated and suspects detained.
On 8/10/16 at about 15:00 police were patrolling Durban Street in Korsten when they noticed 3 people sitting at the side of the road and drinking. When police stopped, one suspect threw his alcohol and started running. Police chased after him and upon apprehending him, they found a 9mm baby browning pistol and 11 rounds in his possession.
On 9/10/16 at about 01:00, while members were attending to a shooting incident in Calm street Bethelsdorp, they found a 9mm firearm lying in the yard of a resident in Lekker street. This recovery was in close proximity of where a murder took place,
On 9/10/16 at about 14:00, SAPS Humewood were patrolling the area when they saw a group of suspicious men. As they stopped to search the men, they started running. One suspect fell and as he did so, a firearm fell out. He picked up the firearm and continued running. He was arrested in a tavern and the firearm recovered in the toilet. A .45 pistol and 6 rounds seized.
On 9/10/16 at about 10:00 SAPS received information about a person in the Walmer location with a possible firearm in his possession. Members from PE K9 unit acted on the information and a 31 year old suspect was arrested with a 9mm pistol and 15 rounds.
All the drug related cases were effected whist members were engaged in stop and search in the cluster.
The continued recovery and seizure of firearms is a direct result of intensified crime prevention operations, intelligence collection, police visibility and the efforts of our police members who work daily to ensure that illegal and unlicensed firearms are taken out of circulation and out of the hands of criminal elements.
Police are urging the communities to blow the whistle on persons in possession of stolen or illegal firearms. Firearms are at the centre of many incidents involving serious and violent crime in the Northern areas of Port Elizabeth. All the firearms recovered have been sent to ballistics for testing.
VIA - saps.gov.za
Reviewed by Hash

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